Materials Futures 正式开放投稿!


Materials Futures (《材料展望》ISSN 2752-5724)由松山湖材料实验室、中国科学院物理研究所和英国物理学会出版社(IOPP)联合出版,旨在打造材料科学领域综合性顶级期刊。

Materials  Futures 聚焦于结构材料、能源材料、纳米材料、生物材料、量子材料、材料理论和计算六大研究领域,重点报道国内外最新研究进展,促进全球材料学领域科技交流,为全球材料科学家搭建合作平台。从文章结构上,每篇文章设置了“Future Perspectives” 版块,对所作研究未来的研究计划、发展方向,以及可能存在风险做出预测。


主编 | 汪卫华 院士



非常荣幸Materials Futures 正式发布开放投稿, 期待与各位材料领域的科学家们共同努力,搭建材料科学合作与交流平台。


主编 | 赵金奎 研究员



Materials Futures 将致力于刊载材料科学领域突破性研究进展,包括金属材料、先进陶瓷、能源材料、量子材料、生物材料等。


International Editor-in-Chief  | Torsten Brezesinski

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany

Materials Futures provides a unique platform to promote fundamental and applied research in the multidisciplinary area of materials science and will serve a diverse community of researchers from across the world.


Associate Editor | Jason S Gardner

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA

This international peer-reviewed gold open access journal will focus on a broad area of materials research with a strong focus on materials for future green technologies. We are looking for established scientists to participate in the editorial process, and welcome the submission of high quality, original work, so the journal can reach its goal of becoming an influential member of the academic literature.


Advisory Board Member | Manoj Gupta

National University of Singapore, Singapore

       Knowledge of developing and producing materials with tailorable properties is synonymous to generating wealth and creating a better future for our future generations. Materials Futures will certainly be an important and forceful vehicle to realize it at different levels of human society.

撰稿:Materials Futures 编辑部